
How does my style of coaching work?

I aim to illuminate your essence. To set your purpose free. To bring light to the critical voice that keeps you trapped in the quagmire of discontent and disease.

There is no destination - there is learning, experimentation, and self-expression. Skills, space and grace, and determination to keep striving towards acceptance and healthfulness.

Sometimes, you will be surprised at what comes out - sometimes, I am surprised, too.

This is Alice. I didn’t know that’s who she was until my young son asked me what I was drawing and it fell out of my mouth, ‘The same face I’ve drawn for 30 years - my anxiety.’ It wasn’t proven true until a beloved friend named her aloud. My friend wrote, “She looks afraid (like she's shaking), and stock still at the same time. Eternally trapped between the two lands of ‘fight’ or ‘flight.’”

I can see her. I can talk with her. Together, Alice and I, can grow into a more healthful expression of life. A life, thriving. I can pull her out of the quagmire, with love.

This is how Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching works.

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